Businesses can claim a 125% tax deduction on new, qualifying solar assets under Section 12BA, valid...
Seeking clarification on the application of Section 64E(4) to credit loan accounts, potential donati...
Assessing the tax deductibility of a loan waiver and related tax liabilities paid by an employer fol...
A client seeks advice on addressing tax issues with SARS after R10 million from a land sale was inco...
Have you noticed how rapidly the world of tax technology is transforming? Just a few years ago, the...
Essential tax strategies for small business owners, emphasising the importance of tax risk managemen...
One of the most daunting questions for a taxpayer who is issued with an understatement penalty asses...
Two of the fundamental requirements to access the VDP are that the disclosure must be voluntary and...
The importance of the small business sector in the South African economy is well documented. Small b...
Ruling on multimillion-rand tax debt brings an end to anxiety and uncertainty in the market.
The Commissioner for SARS is in the process of tightening up tax compliance with a view of breaching...
At it again: Capital v revenue
Practice Note 31’s withdrawal
[FAQ] Small Business Corporation
A more equitable outcome for unbundling transactions
Fine-tuning the debt forgiveness rules for dormant group companies
Intra-group loans: Tax complexities
BPR 388 - Application of the de-grouping rule following previous intra-group transactions under sect...
Determination of the Taxable Income of Certain Persons from International Transactions: Intra-Group...
Application of the de-grouping rule following previous intra-group transactions under section 45
Check your mirrors: Sticking to original grounds of objection in SCA tax appeal proceedings
Another year, another amendment: Timing matters when tax legislation changes
Proposals to increase the carbon tax rate from 2023 – 2030: The only way to reduce carbon emissions?
Employer Interim Reconciliation Filing Season
Corporate Income Tax (CIT): Removal Of The Supplementary Declaration for Companies or Close Corporat...
e@syFile version 7.2.6 (including 7.2.5)
Oftentimes, when taxpayers secure funding for capital projects, such funding attracts interest as we...
Are the fees paid to a business rescue practitioner tax deductible?
What are the tax consequences for both Company A and Company B if Company A either capitalizes the l...
A large corporation wishes to make bursaries available to its staff. They have been approached by a...
Two companies with loan accounts between them are connected persons. The one company liquidated duri...
Foreign sportspersons are managed by a company in the Netherlands who invoices a South African compa...
Company C has two sources of income streams – one does recruitment of candidates for the placement a...
South African Company A paid a supplier for goods delivered directly to Company B(based in Singapore...
A taxpayer wants to take her staff and their families away for a few days as a team building/thank y...
A company trades in shares. How will the share value gain be accounted for tax purposes? Would the s...
A new company prepared annual financial statements for 15 months which included the 3 months of its...
This ruling determines the tax consequences for the employers and the qualifying employees due to th...
This article considers the relevance of the accounting treatment of transactions for South African t...
This ruling determines that a linear adjustment may be made to adjust gross sales of an unrefined mi...
Tax practitioners are often asked to calculate the indicative effects of the prospective sale of a b...
Requests for information between tax authorities and requests for taxpayers to supply the informatio...
Covid-19 is only anticipated to peak in South Africa (SA) in September 2020, with international air...
Alert Level 4 of the lockdown is geared toward the revival of economic activities and to allow emplo...
In line with the President’s address to the nation on 21 April 2020, the Minister of Finance provide...
The OECD released its report on Tax and Fiscal Policy in Response to the Coronavirus Crisis on 15 Ap...
Many businesses directly or indirectly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, have one problem in common...
In this article the proposal regarding donations made to COVID-19 disaster relief funds is briefly d...
For Small Businesses in need of financial support during this difficult time, refer to the Debt Reli...
A judgment handed down on March 25 by the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) held that a R3.9 billion for...
Monday 23 March 2020 will be remembered in the history books as the day that South Africa declared w...
This amendment determines that the comparable tax exemption threshold be reduced to 67.5%.
Anti-avoidance principles preventing the transfer of high value assets to a company in return for lo...
On 21 February 2020, SARS implemented enhancements to the ITR14 Company Income Tax Return.
Reviewing the Tax Treatment of Excessive Debt Financing, Interest Deductions and Other Financial Pay...
This Interpretation Note provides guidance on the application and interpretation of paragraph 63A wh...
This guide provides users with general guidance on venture capital companies and investments in such...
The draft BGR provides clarity on what constitutes an unbundling transaction under section 46(1) of...
The OECD released the report "Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions: Inclusive Framewo...
This Interpretation Note provides guidance on the application of the proviso to the definition of “g...
Authors: Emil Brincker and Louis Botha
Author: Jerome Brink
Author: Okkie Kellerman
Author: Okkie Kellerman
Author: Grant Thornton South Africa
Posted by: SAIT Technical
Posted by: SAIT Technical
Author: Lisa Brunton
Posted by: SAIT Technical
Authors: Karen Miller & Carryn Alexander
Author: Mansoor Parker
Author: BDO
Author: OECD
Author: Andrew Lewis
Author: Ingé Lamprecht
Author: Ingé Lamprecht
Author: OECD
Author: Wiseman Khuzwayo
Author: Matthew Lester
Author: OECD
Author: Lesedi Seforo
Author: Esther Geldenhuys
Authors: Denny da Silva and Elandre Brandt
Authors: Gigi Nyanin and Nicole Paulsen
Author: Heinrich Louw
Author: PwC South Africa
Author: Donatella Callaway
Author: Mareli Treurnicht
Author: Ben Strauss
Authors: Craig Miller and Joon Chong
Author: Scott Salusbury
Authors: Tsanga Mukumba and Louis Botha
Authors: Robert Gad, Megan McCormack and others
Authors: Louis Botha and Louis Kotze
Authors: Robert Gad , Megan Mccormack And Jo-Paula Roman
Author: Tsangadzaome Mukumba
Authors: Louis Botha and Louis Kotze
Author: Judith Becker
Author: Magda Snyckers
Author: Parliamentary Monitoring Group
Authors: Louis Botha and Louis Kotze
Author: Jerome Brink
Author: Gigi Nyanin
Author: Louis Botha
Authors: Ben Strauss and Jerome Brink
Author: Louis Botha
Authors: Nicolette Smit and Stephan Minne
Author: Louis Botha
Author: Ben Strauss
Author: Louis Botha
Author: Gigi Nyanin
Authors: Carmen Gers and Simone Krupanandham S
Authors: Louis Botha and Louise Kotze
Author: Parliamentary Monitoring Group
Author: Candice Gibson
Friday, 21 June 2019 Authors: Tsanga Mukumba and Louis Botha (Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr) Important:...