Some important tax and VAT changes are coming, bru. VAT's going up, and there are tweaks to income t...
Explore how AI and automation are transforming financial reporting.
Tax technology is evolving faster than ever, making it crucial for accountants to stay informed. Fro...
Businesses can claim a 125% tax deduction on new, qualifying solar assets under Section 12BA, valid...
Calculation and tax implications of capital gains for daughters and usufruct declaration for parents...
Building a successful small tax practice takes more than technical skills—it requires strategy, effi...
Guidance needed on how to indicate non-South African tax residency when registering for PIT with SAR...
Seeking guidance on a flexible repayment plan for a mining client facing cash flow volatility, as a...
Guidance on whether to apply for the Voluntary Disclosure Programme (VDP) before submitting outstand...
Seeking clarification on the application of Section 64E(4) to credit loan accounts, potential donati...
Analysis of VAT and tax implications of lease agreements in South Africa, focusing on demand letters...
Assessing potential tax implications for an external company in South Africa that only recovers offi...
Determining whether loan interest under Section 7C should be calculated for the full financial year...
Determining whether interest on a loan under Section 7C should be calculated for the full financial...
Assessing the tax deductibility of a loan waiver and related tax liabilities paid by an employer fol...
Namibian Property Valuation & Estate Duty Query
Elderly parent's medical bills?
This guide outlines the steps taxpayers can take to dispute a SARS estimated assessment under Sectio...
A client seeks advice on addressing tax issues with SARS after R10 million from a land sale was inco...
VAT compliance has evolved, and outdated practices can lead to costly mistakes. This article explore...
This guide explores the South African income tax (ITA) foreign employment income exemption (FEIE), a...
Recently, a landmark victory was achieved against SARS in the tax court, which sets a significant pr...
The Western Cape Tax Court case DR X and Dr X Inc v CSARS highlights the problem of vague and unsupp...
In South Africa's tax system, personal income taxpayers form the backbone of public revenue, enablin...
Some important tax and VAT changes are coming, bru. VAT's going up, and there are tweaks to income t...
Explore how AI and automation are transforming financial reporting.
Tax technology is evolving faster than ever, making it crucial for accountants to stay informed. Fro...
Businesses can claim a 125% tax deduction on new, qualifying solar assets under Section 12BA, valid...
Seeking clarification on the application of Section 64E(4) to credit loan accounts, potential donati...
Assessing the tax deductibility of a loan waiver and related tax liabilities paid by an employer fol...
Author: Varusha Moodaley
Author: Jerome Brink
Author: Gerhard Badenhorst
Author: Marcus
A sole proprietor performs services for clients abroad. More than 90% of the taxpayer’s revenue is d...
Client “A” is a farmer who is a registered VAT vendor. His neighbour (Client “B”) is a poultry farme...
Where fixed property is purchased by a VAT vendor from a non-vendor, transfer duty is payable thereo...
On 1 June 2020, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) issued an external guide titled ‘Manage Dec...
Examining tax consequences of salary advancements under the Income Tax Act, where interest-free or l...
Welcome clarity on the taxation of farmers in South Africa?
The Supreme Court of Appeal recently overturned a decision by the High Court. The impact of the deci...
It is stated that income on cryptocurrency that was mined will be taxed when income is received/accr...
The COVID-19 outbreak together with extended lockdown continues to have a negative impact on the cas...
The taxpayer works as a tax practitioner at a company where they submit between 150 to 200 EMP501 re...
The Guide for Employers in respect of Employees Tax for 2023 has been updated to include the new tab...
Should benefits received from SAFT be included or excluded from the IRP5 and will these benefits rec...
Debit loan interest below the official rate creates a deemed dividend, leading to dividends tax un...
A taxpayer ceased to be a resident in South Africa and it came to his attention that SARS allows the...
Assessing potential tax implications for an external company in South Africa that only recovers offi...
This guide explores the South African income tax (ITA) foreign employment income exemption (FEIE), a...
The article addresses the tax implications for a foreign employee in South Africa, highlighting the...
Seeking guidance on a flexible repayment plan for a mining client facing cash flow volatility, as a...
Guidance on whether to apply for the Voluntary Disclosure Programme (VDP) before submitting outstand...
This guide outlines the steps taxpayers can take to dispute a SARS estimated assessment under Sectio...
VAT compliance has evolved, and outdated practices can lead to costly mistakes. This article explore...
SARS’ systems are becoming increasingly integrated and sophisticated.
SARS’ systems are becoming increasingly integrated and sophisticated. Anybody that still thinks with...
A client hired a new employee with a monthly cost to the company of R20000, without specifying if co...
An employee received a lump sum when he left which was seen as a bonus payment. The employee left du...
Would a taxpayer be eligible to register his son under the business ETI or is he considered to be a...
straightforward and consistent with established transfer pricing principles. The court sharply criti...
With increasing economic globalisation, revenue authorities around the world continue to shift their...
Namibian Property Valuation & Estate Duty Query
Problems at master’s offices the tip of the iceberg.
Deceased Estate Life Wrapped Investment Value For Estate Duty
The notice, as published in Government Gazette 46056, relates to the amendments to the rules publish...
Customs: Prohibited and restricted goods list
Excise tax is indirect duties, levies and taxes imposed on certain locally manufactured and imported...
IT3(d) onboarding, testing and live submissions will remain open for the duration of the submission...
2022 MTBPS: Generally good news, limited tax changes
The National Treasury recently published a number of bills that contain the amendments to the tax la...
The Western Cape Tax Court case DR X and Dr X Inc v CSARS highlights the problem of vague and unsupp...
In an apparent effort to win the war against non-compliance, it seems SARS has taken to augmenting t...
The settlement of a tax dispute is available to taxpayers in respect of which an assessment has been...
This ruling determines the income tax and donations tax consequences of a share buy-back at nominal...
In the current environment where there is a huge amount of debt being incurred by taxpayers it is us...
This BGR sets out the rules to avoid double taxation when a deemed accrual of interest occurs under...
Where a loan is obtained by an employee from his or her employer in terms of which no interest is pa...
Section 23H of the Income Tax Act is a provision that is designed to spread prepayments made by taxp...
The 2021 Draft Laws Amendment Bill that was released in July 2021, has proposals to change section 2...
This BGR reproduces the parts of Interpretation Note 47 (Issue 5) “Wear-and-Tear or Depreciation All...
Payout classification for employees leaving after receiving company shares depends on factors like a...
A Trust owns 100% of the ordinary shares in a company and charges R20 million to a potential purchas...
A taxpayer is a director who wants to sell her shares to the remaining directors. The shares have a...
The purpose of this guide is to assist users in gaining a more in-depth understanding of the taxatio...
This ruling determines the tax consequences of the vesting of a capital gain in a beneficiary, where...
The trust, special trust or otherwise, cannot make a deduction of the medical expenditure incurred o...
With the introduction of section 7C, the interest saving arising on interest-free or low interest ra...
A trust is terminated by the Master after all the trust property was vested and distributed to the b...
[FAQ] How do you submit a Third Prov Tax return and what penalties are payable if any?
A company changed its financial year-end from February to June. The change was made on 13 March 2021...
The administration of a deceased estate entails a regulatory process overseen by the Master of the H...
This BGR provides clarity on what constitutes an unbundling transaction when an unbundling company h...
There has been a proposal that has been issued with new document requirements for taxpayers who wish...
Invoicing as an independent contractor while being a director and shareholder may cause tax issues i...
A trust adjusts share values annually but base cost remains R500 despite fair value changes under th...
The sum of the multiple bona fide donations reflected in separate section 18A receipts must be the s...
A taxpayer has lodged and objection with SARS. The objection was accepted, but SARS did not comply w...
VAT returns submitted and paid through eFiling reflect on the taxpayer's work page. However, the ret...
Determining whether loan interest under Section 7C should be calculated for the full financial year...
Determining whether interest on a loan under Section 7C should be calculated for the full financial...
The application of Section 7 is complex, requiring careful consideration of the trust’s activities...
Analysis of VAT and tax implications of lease agreements in South Africa, focusing on demand letters...
Recently, a landmark victory was achieved against SARS in the tax court, which sets a significant pr...
Company A is fully owned by Trust E, which is a family trust.
ChatGPT – it’s the latest buzzword, and for good reason. This powerful new tool has the potential to...
The Minister of Finance approved new dispute resolution rules under the Tax Administration Act, 2011...
[FAQ] What is the correct tax treatment of employee travel allowances?
[FAQ] Home office expense regarding solar installation
A company has staff that have been working from home during COVID19. In total, there are 3 working d...
Carbon taxes in South Africa are set to rise by over 140% by 2030.
The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants on Monday 3 June 2024 announced the accreditati...
Frequently Asked Questions concerning the disputes between SAIT and The Tax Faculty.
Master payroll and administration for smooth operations. Discover best practices and tools to stream...
In this article, we'll show you why personalisation is so important and how you can start incorporat...
If you are looking for the most convenient and cost-effective way to kickstart your career in tax or...
The VAT Act mandates specific details on invoices, including supplier and recipient names, addresses...
The eagerly anticipated Constitutional Court judgment in Thistle case1 has been delivered.
The alarmingly high unemployment rate in South Africa has given rise to several tax incentives for e...
SARS excludes December 16th to January 15th from "business days" as per TAA Section 1, impacting the...
The purpose of this notice is to address these common issues, which may have been communicated durin...
Imagine SARS is conducting an audit on a company for the most recent year of assessment. The company...
SARS audits demand clear communication and expertise to navigate complex tax laws and potential barr...
Entertainment industry contractors, facing potential double taxation due to 25% PAYE deductions, can...
You can be held liable for whatever a hacker manages to siphon from Sars in your name.
In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) and automation have revolutionised the management of t...
Risk is an inherent part of running any business, yet many business owners overlook the importance...
Should the will’s clause, which distributes the renounced shares equally among the remaining benefic...