[FAQ] Can the Tax Ombud assist with issues regarding VAT returns submitted and paid through the efiling system?


VAT returns submitted and paid through eFiling reflect on the taxpayer's work page. However, the returns did not reflect on SARS’ system. We were requested to resubmit the VAT returns and the Debt Department undertook to adjust the penalties and interest. However, the allocations were done totally incorrectly and refunds denied. The Audit Department and Legal Department are unable to understand the issue and keep on saying the returns were submitted late. I am now battling for about 3 to 4 years to resolve the problem.   

Can the Tax Ombud assist with issues regarding VAT returns submitted and paid through the eFiling system?


This might be a matter the Office of the Tax Ombud (OTO) can assits with. However, the taxpayer first need to have lodged a complaint with SARS Complaints Management Office (CMO), and if unhappy with how the complaint has been dealt with, the OTO can be approached. When lodging a complaint with the Tax Ombud, kindly quote the CMO number.

Webinar Commentary

Further webinar commentary on Tax Administration Part 2B: Resolving Problems with SARS using the Tax Ombud can be accessed here.

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