How do I declare additional medical expenses on my return?

Important: The answer is applicable and relates to the tax year of assessment ending 28 February 2022.

Declaring additional medical expenses on your return form needs to be done under the different source codes listed below:

  • 4020 on the return form must be used for additional medical expenses not covered by the medical aid but reflecting on the medical certificate. (This field would mostly be pre-populated from 3rd party data received from the medical aid and can be verified on the medical certificate sent to you).
  • 4034 on the return form must be used for additional medical expenses not covered by the medical aid and not reflecting on the medical certificate. (It is extremely important that the amount on source code 4034 is not the amount already included in source code 4020 as it would be a duplicated amount declared).
  • 4022 on the return form must be used for additional medical expenses not covered by the medical aid and not reflecting on the medical certificate but specifically relating to a person with a qualifying disability/impairment these amounts should also exclude amounts already declared under source code 4020 and 4034. (It is important to note that you would not be able to be granted this deduction if you do not have an ITR-DD form signed by a authorised medical practitioner).

Source: SARS


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