Call for comment: Draft comprehensive guide to CGT (Issue 5)


This article is based on tax law for the tax year ending 28 February 2015.

Author: SARS

Since the release of Issue 4 of the Comprehensive Guide to CGT on 22 December 2011. SARS has issued another issue, there have been three Taxation Laws Amendment Acts (Acts 24 of 2011, 22 of 2012 and 31 of 2013), as well as the promulgation of the Tax Administration Act, 2011 and changes to the inclusion rates and exclusion thresholds. These amendments are incorporated in this draft version together with updated references to case law and many other changes to the commentary 

The SAIT will be making submissions to SARS on this matter. Kindly submit comments to by no later than 26 May 2015.

Please click here to access the draft guide

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