Tax Administration Part 3B Dispute Resolution - Objection and appeal

Duration: 0.5 Hour

Price: R49.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Prof. Jackie Arendse

Tax Administration

Tax Administration

Tax Administration Part 3B Dispute Resolution - Objection and appeal

Duration: 0.5 hour

Price: R49.00

Title / Topic

Tax Administration Part 3B Dispute Resolution - Objection and appeal

Presenters : Prof. Jackie Arendse

This series of videos covers the main aspects of the Tax Administration Act and the general tax administration provisions that have to be managed by taxpayers and tax practitioners.

Part 3: the dispute resolution process

This is a big topic and I cover it in a 2-part mini-series

In Part B I explain how to go about lodging an objection with SARS when you disagree with an assessment or decision. This is a crucially important process and it is governed by rules that have to be followed very carefully. I also discuss the pay now argue later rule and explain how to apply for a suspension of payment.

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