Engaging SARS: Effective Communication Strategies for Tax Practitioners

Duration: 2 Hours

Price: R195.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Theo Burrows

Tax Administration

Tax Administration

Engaging SARS: Effective Communication Strategies for Tax Practitioners

Duration: 2 hours

Price: R195.00

Title / Topic

Engaging SARS: Effective Communication Strategies for Tax Practitioners

Presenters : Theo Burrows


Tax practitioners know that sometimes it feels as if SARS speaks an entirely different language. In this video, Theo Burrows, a practitioner himself, shares his insights into how to communicate with SARS effectively to get the best outcome for you and your client. Some of the topics covered in this video includes how to write to SARS in a clear, concise, and professional manner and the importance thereof. Viewers are learning how to handle challenging situations through case studies and examples.


Video Content

  • What is effective communication?

  • The importance of effective communication in interactions with SARS.

  • The key elements of clear, professional, and courteous written communication.

  • Practical techniques to improve written communication skills.

  • How to navigate formal communication requirements with SARS.

  • How to handle challenging situations through case studies and examples.

Competencies developed in this video

  • How to convey information in writing that is clear, concise, and professional.

  • To manage the tone of written communication.

  • How to understand SARS expectations from their communication.

  • Be more comfortable handling challenging written communication from SARS.

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