Professor Rashied Small

Professor Small is a professional educationist with experience in education restructuring and curriculum development. He describes himself as a human capital developer and has left a deep footprint in academia. Professor Small has held teaching positions such as Associate Professor, Guest Lecturer and Educational Trainer at international institutions such as the Prince Sultan College of Tourism and Management as well as King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. He has also served as Senior Lecturer, Head of Financial Accounting and Coordinator of Honours program, at the University of Western Cape. Professor Small is passionate about the Accountancy profession and how it should be shaping itself to meet the future of Artificial Intelligence as well as enhanced and new technologies. He believes that sophisticated automation will and has already begun changing the way accountants fulfil their role. He maintains that accountants must become information users and knowledge producers. He is also firm proponent of accounting professionals becoming expert users of the increasingly sophisticated software that is available, as he considers this to be the only way they can carve out a niche for themselves.

Events that was hosted by Professor Rashied Small

Event Start Date CPD Hours Status
Impact of Tax Automation and AI on the Tax Profess... 15 July 2024 2 Hours
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Resources On-Demand presented by Professor Rashied Small

Title Hours
Impact of Tax Automation and AI on the Tax Profession 2
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