Impact of Tax Automation and AI on the Tax Profession

Duration: 2 Hours

Price: R195.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Professor Rashied Small

SARS Issues

SARS Issues

Impact of Tax Automation and AI on the Tax Profession

Duration: 2 hours

Price: R195.00

Title / Topic

Impact of Tax Automation and AI on the Tax Profession


The video addresses the impact of technology, especially auto assessments, on the roles that tax practitioners fulfill in a digital era. The questions discussed during the webinar include whether technology and auto assessments threaten the future of tax practitioners and how tax practitioners should adapt to remain relevant in the tax profession.

The video focuses on how tax authorities (SARS) are using third-party data and technology, including Artificial Intelligence, to implement their auto assessment strategy. Additionally, the video covers how tax practitioners can capacitate and equip themselves to ensure they can render value-added services to taxpayers.

The emphasis of the video is on how tax practitioners can render value-added tax services, such as:

  • Involvement in investigation and audit/validation functions, especially in terms of auto assessment.

  • Improving their technical knowledge and applied skills to enhance their understanding and interpretation of tax legislation to lodge effective objections and appeals on behalf of taxpayers.

  • Providing tax planning and tax risk management services to taxpayers.

Webinar Content

  • Auto assessment and its impact on tax practitioners

  • Changing roles of tax practitioners in the digital era

  • The "digital" tax practitioner and tax practice

  • Providing value-added services

  • Preparing tax practitioners for the future in a digital environment

Competencies Developed

After watching the video, you are able to:

  • Validate and audit auto assessments

  • Utilise digital and technology proficiencies to render value-added tax services

  • Fulfill the burden of proof responsibility

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