Understanding Your Firms Obligations With The Financial Intelligence Centre

Duration: 2 Hours

Price: R0.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Lynette Badenhorst
Managing Director at Probeta Training



Understanding Your Firms Obligations With The Financial Intelligence Centre

Duration: 2 hours

Price: R0.00

Title / Topic

Understanding Your Firms Obligations With The Financial Intelligence Centre

Presenters : Lynette Badenhorst


For every accounting professional, the burning question revolves around whether their firm needs to be registered as an accountable institution with the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) and which of their clients are subject to the Customer Due Diligence (CDD) process.

We hold a webinar where we provide guidance to help you determine whether you should register your firm or not.

If your firm is accountable, it is crucial to register with the FIC without delay.

Even if your firm is not accountable, you must be able to demonstrate how you evaluate all your activities to conclude that your firm is not accountable.


By attending this video, we provide clarity on:

  • Whether your firm needs to register with the FIC.
  • Which clients are subject to the Customer Due Diligence process.
  • The importance of implementing an RMCP.

If your firm is required to be registered, you need to develop and implement a Risk Management Compliance Program (RMCP). We create an RMCP toolkit specifically designed for the accounting profession. During the webinar, we also demonstrate how this toolkit can assist you.

An interactive Q&A session follows the webinar, where we answer all the questions you have.

By attending this webinar, you gain a solid understanding of your firm’s registration obligations and the steps required for compliance with the FIC.

Competencies Developed

  • Understand whether or not your firm is an accountable institution.
  • Determine which clients are subject to the Customer Due Diligence process.
  • Obtain an understanding of when a Risk Management Compliance Programme is required.
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