How to Implement a RMCP in your Firm After Registering with the FIC

Duration: 2 Hours

Price: R0.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Lynette Badenhorst
Managing Director at Probeta Training



How to Implement a RMCP in your Firm After Registering with the FIC

Duration: 2 hours

Price: R0.00

Title / Topic

How to Implement a RMCP in your Firm After Registering with the FIC

Presenters : Lynette Badenhorst


Following the video presented about whether your firm needs to register with the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC), many firms realize the necessity of registration. We receive numerous questions about what to do next and how to implement the required Risk Management Compliance Programme (RMCP). To support firms in developing and implementing an RMCP, we create the FICA Risk Management Compliance Hub specifically for the accounting profession. This Hub includes all the necessary policies, procedures, and annexures to assist your firm with implementing an RMCP.

During this session, we demonstrate the Hub and provide step-by-step instructions on how to begin implementing it in your firm. If you are uncertain about your post-registration obligations with the FIC, join Lynette for this video.


  • Developing an RMCP in Terms of FIC for an Accounting Firm
  • Importance of an RMCP
  • Summarize the RMCP
  • Development Process Key Components of an RMCP
  • Consequences of Non-Compliance
  • Q&A Session

Competencies Developed

  • Clear Framework for RMCP Development
  • Master Key Components of an RMCP
  • Gain Detailed Understanding of Essential RMCP Elements Recognize Legal and Operational Risks
  • Apply Hands-On Implementation Techniques
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