Tax Administration Part 2A: resolving problems with SARS

Duration: 0.5 Hour

Price: R49.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Prof. Jackie Arendse

Tax Administration

Tax Administration

Tax Administration Part 2A: resolving problems with SARS

Duration: 0.5 hour

Price: R49.00

Title / Topic

Tax Administration Part 2A: resolving problems with SARS

Presenters : Prof. Jackie Arendse

This series of videos covers the main aspects of the Tax Administration Act and the general tax administration provisions that have to be managed by taxpayers and tax practitioners.

Part 2: Resolving problems with SARS

Many taxpayers and tax practitioners spend a lot of time and frustration trying to navigate their way through their tax affairs and trying to stay tax compliant. Much time can be saved if we know the rules of the game and how to resolve the different problems we might have. This video mini-series provides clear directions on how to resolve problems with SARS. As this is a big topic, I cover it in 2 videos.

In Part A, I explain the types of problems and disputes and the route to resolution that should be followed in each. I outline the SARS Service Charter and I explain how to follow the Complaints Management System to deal with complaints when SARS doesn’t meet up with the Service Charter. The next step involves the Tax Ombud, and I cover this in Part  B.

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