Solving the Expat Tax Conundrum: Diasporic South African Family (Part 3)

Duration: 2 Hours

Price: R195.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Hugo van Zyl

Solving the Expat Tax Conundrum: Diasporic South African Family (Part 3)

Duration: 2 hours

Price: R195.00

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Solving the Expat Tax Conundrum: Diasporic South African Family (Part 3)

Presenters : Hugo van Zyl

This webinar on demand is part of a series of webinars. Click here to read more


The expat tax conundrum facing all South African ID book or smart cardholders is debugged in this three-part series aimed at the South African expat, tax non-resident and their tax and financial advisers. Expats (being South Africans and individuals in possession of a South African ID document not living in the country) are left confused. Home affairs cancelled their passports, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) blocked their right to transfer ZA Rands (ZAR) abroad and the South African Revenue Service (SARS) threatens them with common reporting standards (CRS) and expat tax.

Diasporic South African Family (Part 3) – 15 November 2021

    • Should I risk ceasing to be a tax resident?
    • How do I deal with the children born abroad vs children born in South Africa?
    • Estate planning tips:
      • Single will or will per jurisdiction?
        • Forced heirship – European and Sharia law jurisdictions.
      • Master of the High Court rules.
      • Must we update Home Affairs on the foreign death of a South African national?
    • Keep my immovable property such as the holiday home in my own name, trust, or a company?
    • The loop rule update – how to vs why not to use this new permission:
      • The loop rule impact on South African trusts and the old restrictive trust deeds.
    • Capital gains tax rules on South African situs assets.
    • Donation’s tax and the expat vs the tax non-resident:
      • ITA section 7C and section 31 deemed donations on low or interest-free loans.
    • I may come back to South Africa – short vs longer-term returns:
      • Pre-immigration planning.
    • How to deal with old trust deeds and new exchange control rules.


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