Effective Handling Of Sars Queries, Audits And Dispute Resolutions

Duration: 4 Hours

Price: R575.00

Video Type: Single


Effective Handling Of Sars Queries, Audits And Dispute Resolutions

Duration: 4 hours

Price: R575.00

Title / Topic

Effective Handling Of Sars Queries, Audits And Dispute Resolutions

Presenters : Prof. Jackie Arendse


Resolving disputes with SARS often takes up ever-increasing amounts of time. Managing the process as efficiently as possible requires a good knowledge of the rules of the game. This webinar provides practical, useful guidance on how to navigate the process and effectively manage SARS queries, audits and the dispute resolution process.

The Tax Administration Act is very technical and specific. It is essential for every tax professional or business person responsible for managing tax risk, to have a good understanding of the rules and processes. This webinar explains, in understandable language and with a very practical focus, the steps to be followed and the responsibilities of the taxpayer/tax practitioner.

The course content will cover:

  • The audit process.
  • Handling SARS queries.
  • Managing the dispute resolution process, including:
    • Requests for reasons for an assessment.
    • Lodging an objection and the process thereafter.
    • What to do when there is a problem with the objection process.
    • The pay-now-argue-later principle and applying for a suspension of payment.

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