Ensuring Fair and Equitable Taxation: A Conversation with the Office of the Tax Ombud

Duration: 1 Hour

Price: R0.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Gert van Heerden
Presenter: Theo Burrows

Tax Administration

Tax Administration

Ensuring Fair and Equitable Taxation: A Conversation with the Office of the Tax Ombud

Duration: 1 hour

Price: R0.00

Title / Topic

Ensuring Fair and Equitable Taxation: A Conversation with the Office of the Tax Ombud


The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is required to provide fair and equitable taxation services, and the Office of the Tax Ombud (OTO) makes sure of this. It provides taxpayers with a cost-free, impartial means of airing their grievances and conducts investigations to arrive at a fair resolution. The OTO examines ongoing and new problems with the tax code and makes suggestions for improvements to ensure that taxpayers are treated fairly. Additionally, it encourages SARS to be transparent and accountable. This video is aimed at directing taxpayers and emphasizing the significance of stakeholders in fostering accountability and transparency in tax administration.

Video content

  • How does the OTO hold SARS accountable for high standards of professional ethics?
  • What role does the OTO play in ensuring that SARS makes efficient and effective use of the resources at its disposal to provide fair and equitable taxation?
  • The OTO is mandated to ensure that taxpayers receive fair and equitable taxation services from SARS – how to best advise your clients in this regard.

Competencies developed in this video

  • Advise clients about taxpayers’ right and entitlements.
  • Understand importance of fiscal citizenship in an open and democratic society.
  • Secure access to information in a fair and unbiased manner.
  • Ensure your clients get quality and timely service from SARS.
  • Assist clients to access the services of the Office of the Tax Ombud.
  • Submit requests, proposals and/or applications to SARS to uphold taxpayer rights.

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