Annual Cross-Border Considerations for Advisers: Global Families and Business Owners Pre-event 2021
Duration: 2 hours
Price: R0.00
Due to the instant and constant changes and challenges in the advisory world, a pre-cross-border event will be hosted to deal with the most prominent matters. Advisers, business owners and families are revisiting their planning strategies due to changes in law, circumstances and their personal lives to lessen the impact of the local and global realities.
Changes could potentially trigger advisory discussions relating to:
Changes to the local and international client and advice landscape is an almost daily occurrence which has been accelerated by the global pandemic. Due to the rapidly and ever-changing environments, in one’s personal and business life, matters must be considered from a technical and practical viewpoint with an aim to obtain solid advice. Join us for a discussion where we highlight the need to obtain advice on the client’s journey in search of global solutions and options.
Cross-border considerations for advisers: Global families and business owners 2020 - Day 2
Navigating Death and Taxes: A Focus on VAT, CGT, Estate Duty and Income Tax