2024 Filing Season: Navigating the Updated ITR12 Return & Auto Assessments

Duration: 2 Hours

Price: R195.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Anton Krynauw
Presenter: Theo Burrows

Individuals Tax

Individuals Tax

2024 Filing Season: Navigating the Updated ITR12 Return & Auto Assessments

Duration: 2 hours

Price: R195.00

Title / Topic

2024 Filing Season: Navigating the Updated ITR12 Return & Auto Assessments

Presenters : Anton Krynauw , Theo Burrows


In this video, provide a brief update on auto assessments and emphasise critical aspects of the ITR12 2024 eFiling tax return that tax practitioners must address when completing the return. 

Our goal is to direct tax practitioners' attention to these key aspects and provide guidance on how to handle them. By highlighting these aspects, we aim to facilitate smoother navigation of the ITR12 2024 tax return, which includes some format changes from the ITR12 2023 return.

Video Content

  • Tips to Manage the 2024 Individual Tax Filing Season

  • Auto Assessments Update: Key Points to Note

  • ITR12 2024: Highlighting Critical Aspects of the Return

Competencies Developed

  • Gain ideas for better management of the 2024 tax season.

  • Be informed about aspects of the auto assessment.

  • Be aware of changes in the ITR12 2024 return.

  • Understand how to handle specific fields on the ITR12 2024 return.

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