2020 Practical Q&A with Prof Jackie Arendse - Managing provisional tax (session 2)
Duration: 3 hours
Price: R475.00
Do you have questions related to relevant and topical matters and don't know where to find the answers? We have the answers for you! We are very excited to launch our new Q&A based webinar (series). The webinar (series) will focus on practical issues experienced and problems and difficulties arising in practice. What makes this webinar (series) different?
All business entities, trusts and many individuals know how to calculate provisional tax, but wonder about the most effective way of managing the risks associated with provisional tax. In this session we will be answering questions related to the practical difficulties experienced and best practice to manage provisional tax.
Fringe benefit: Medical expenses and insurance premiums incurred by the employer
TaxCafe Discussion Forum: Resolving Current Personal Taxpayer Issues – October 2022