Tax Administration Part 4C Understatement Penalties

Duration: 0.5 Hour

Price: R49.00

Video Type: Single


Tax Administration Part 4C Understatement Penalties

Duration: 0.5 hour

Price: R49.00

Title / Topic

Tax Administration Part 4C Understatement Penalties

Presenters : Prof. Jackie Arendse

This series of videos covers the main aspects of the Tax Administration Act and the general tax administration provisions that have to be managed by taxpayers and tax practitioners.

Tax Administration Part 4C Understatement Penalties

The Tax Administration Act (TAA) provides for various sanctions for non-compliance, as a means to discourage non-compliance and thereby improve tax collections. This video explains the understatement penalty that is covered in Chapter 16 of the Tax Administration Act, including the steps that should be taken if a taxpayer disagrees with an understatement penalty hat has been levied by SARS.

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