Microlearning Course: Expat Tax

Duration: 6 Hours

Price: R1425.00

Video Type: Series

International Tax

Microlearning Course: Expat Tax

Duration: 6 hours

Price: R1425.00

Title / Topic

Microlearning Course: Expat Tax


In this Expat Tax micro learning course, it focuses on exchange control rules, tax filing as a non-resident taxpayer and the pros and cons of deregistering as a South African taxpayer. 

Module 1: Excon Update including Loop Structure

In this section we address the current rules as they apply to both residents and non-residents. We focus on loop structures as well as the difference between South African Reserve Bank non-resident and the South African Revenue Service (SARS) non-resident rules. We also consider, in detail, the SARS refusal to allow a South African trust to distribute to a foreign trust.

Module 2: Now that I am Tax Non-Resident, how do I File Tax?

In this section we consider all the tax filing obligations of a taxpayer that ceased to be tax resident. We address income tax, estate duty and donations tax filing obligations. The exit tax payable on cessation of tax residency and all subsequent capital gains tax and income tax obligations on South African sourced income will be addressed including the reduction of PAYE on pension and living annuity income earned by a tax non-resident person.

Module 3: Risks, Pros and Cons of Tax Number Deregistration

This section considers the pros and cons of retaining or deregistration of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) tax number, not only from SARS perspective, but also addressing the South African Reserve Bank, Master of the High Court and Deeds Office consequences.

It also considers the estate duty consequences of a person no longer an ordinary tax resident vs a taxpayer deemed non-resident because of treaty tiebreaker and address estate planning by tax emigrants to ensure their South African situ assets are dealt with correctly and efficiently.

Micro Learning Course Content  

Videos material: 

  • Module 1: Expat Tax: Excon Update including Loop Structure Part 1
  • Module 1: Expat Tax: Excon Update including Loop Structure - Part 2
  • Module 2: Expat Tax: Risks, Pros and Cons of Tax Number Deregistration - Part 1
  • Module 2: Expat Tax: Risks, Pros and Cons of Tax Number Deregistration - Part 2
  • Module 3: Expat Tax: Now that I am Tax Non-Resident, how do I File Tax? - Part 1
  • Module 3: Expat Tax: Now that I am Tax Non-Resident, how do I File Tax? - Part 2

Additional Reading Material:

  • Notes for Module 1: Expat Tax: Excon Update including Loop Structure
  • Notes for Module 2: Expat Tax: Risks, Pros and Cons of Tax Number Deregistration
  • Notes for Module 3: Expat Tax: Now that I am Tax Non-Resident, how do I File Tax
  • Additional resources: Module 1 - Loop Structure Policy 2016.pdf
  • Additional resource: Module 1 - Crypto Assets.pdf

Competencies developed in this micro learning course:

  • Informed about exchange control with a general understanding of the current rules.
  • Able to advise clients on loop rules and the risk factors.
  • Updated on exchange control as applicable to persons having changed from resident to non-resident status.
  • Understand the Trust Property Control Act and the impact on beneficiaries no longer a tax or exchange control resident.
  • Competent to apply the tax filing obligation of a non-resident taxpayer in terms of the Tax Administration Act.
  • Able to advise clients on the tax filing obligations of a tax non-resident.

What's Included:

Module 1 - Expat Tax: Excon Update including Loop Structure - Part 1

Overview In this video we address the current rules as they apply to both residents and non-residents. We focus on loop structures as well as the difference between South African Reserve Bank non-resident and the South African Revenue Service (SARS) non-resident rules. We also consider, in detail, the SARS refusal to allow a South African trust to distribute to a foreign trust. Content   Module 1 - Expat Tax: Excon Update including Loop Structure - Part 1   This video forms part of a Micro Learning Course

1 Hour | R99.00
Hugo van Zyl

Module 2 - Expat Tax: Risks, Pros and Cons of Tax Number Deregistration - Part 2

Overview This video considers the pros and cons of retaining or deregistration of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) tax number, not only from SARS perspective, but also addressing the South African Reserve Bank, Master of the High Court and Deeds Office consequences. It also considers the estate duty consequences of a person no longer an ordinary tax resident vs a taxpayer deemed non-resident because of treaty tiebreaker and address estate planning by tax emigrants to ensure their South African situ assets are dealt with correctly and efficiently. Content:  Video - Expat Tax : Risks, Pros and Cons of Tax Number Deregistration - Part 2   This video forms part of a Micro Learning Course

1 Hour | R99.00
Hugo van Zyl

Module 3 - Expat Tax: Now that I am Tax Non-Resident, how do I File Tax? - Part 1

Overview In this video we consider all the tax filing obligations of a taxpayer that ceased to be tax resident. We address income tax, estate duty and donations tax filing obligations. The exit tax payable on cessation of tax residency a nd all subsequent capital gains tax and income tax obligations on South African sourced income will be addressed including the reduction of PAYE on pension and living annuity income earned by a tax non-resident person. Video Content Module 3 - Expat Tax: Now that I am Tax Non-Resident, how do I File Tax? - Part 1   This video forms part of a Micro Learning Course

1 Hour | R99.00
Hugo van Zyl

Module 1 - Expat Tax: Excon Update including Loop Structure - Part 2

Overview In this video we address the current rules as they apply to both residents and non-residents. We focus on loop structures as well as the difference between South African Reserve Bank non-resident and the South African Revenue Service (SARS) non-resident rules. We also consider, in detail, the SARS refusal to allow a South African trust to distribute to a foreign trust. Content   Module 1 - Expat Tax: Excon Update including Loop Structure - Part 2   This video forms part of a Micro Learning Course

1 Hour | R99.00
Hugo van Zyl

Module 2 - Expat Tax: Risks, Pros and Cons of Tax Number Deregistration - Part 1

Overview This video considers the pros and cons of retaining or deregistration of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) tax number, not only from SARS perspective, but also addressing the South African Reserve Bank, Master of the High Court and Deeds Office consequences. It also considers the estate duty consequences of a person no longer an ordinary tax resident vs a taxpayer deemed non-resident because of treaty tiebreaker and address estate planning by tax emigrants to ensure their South African situ assets are dealt with correctly and efficiently. Content: Module 2 - Expat Tax : Risks, Pros and Cons of Tax Number Deregistration - Part 1  

1 Hour | R99.00
Hugo van Zyl

Module 3 - Expat Tax: Now that I am Tax Non-Resident, how do I File Tax? - Part 2

Overview In this video we consider all the tax filing obligations of a taxpayer that ceased to be tax resident. We address income tax, estate duty and donations tax filing obligations. The exit tax payable on cessation of tax residency a nd all subsequent capital gains tax and income tax obligations on South African sourced income will be addressed including the reduction of PAYE on pension and living annuity income earned by a tax non-resident person. Content: Expat Tax : Now that I am Tax Non-Resident, how do I File Tax? - Part 2   This video forms part of a Micro Learning Course

1 Hour | R99.00
Hugo van Zyl

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