Microlearning Course: eFiling

Duration: 3 Hours

Price: R475.00

Video Type: Series

Individuals Tax

Microlearning Course: eFiling

Duration: 3 hours

Price: R475.00

Title / Topic

Microlearning Course: eFiling


SARS eFiling is critical to run a successful and efficient tax practice. Considering that SARS regularly introduces enhancements to eFiling, this course focuses on the latest developments and issues experienced when using eFiling. 

Micros Learning Course Content:

  • Module 1: Introduction to eFiling:
  • Module 2: Layout of eFiling and User Tab
  • Module 3: Organisations Tab
  • Module 4: Returns Tab
  • Module 5: Customs, Duties & Levies and Services Tab
  • Module 6: Tax Status Tab and Overview of Modules

Competencies developed in this Micro Learning Course:

  • Be updated with current enhancements to eFiling.
  • Able to avoid common pitfalls and issues when using eFiling.
  • Resolve your current issues in navigating eFiling.
  • Able to train your staff on what's new on eFiling.
  • Inform clients about the current use and status of eFiling.

What's Included:

Introduction to eFiling

Overview SARS eFiling is critical to run a successful and efficient tax practice. Considering that SARS regularly introduces enhancements to eFiling, this course focuses on the latest developments and issues experienced when using eFiling.&nb sp; Short course content (self-paced)  Module 1: Introduction to eFiling: Competencies developed in this short course (self-paced) The origins of eFiling The different types of eFiling portfolios Taxes that can be filed via eFiling The landing page Registering for eFiling

0.5 Hour | R49.00
Anton Krynauw

eFiling Layout and User

Overview SARS eFiling is critical to run a successful and efficient tax practice. Considering that SARS regularly introduces enhancements to eFiling, this course focuses on the latest developments and issues experienced when using eFiling.&nb sp; Short course content (self-paced)  Module 1: Introduction to eFiling: Competencies developed in this short course (self-paced) Layout of eFiling webpage Accepting a User Invite Adding a User to eFiling My Profile Profile and Preference setup (Security Contact Details)

0.5 Hour | R49.00
Anton Krynauw

Managing e-filing user permissions

Overview SARS eFiling is critical to run a successful and efficient tax practice. Considering that SARS regularly introduces enhancements to eFiling, this course focuses on the latest developments and issues experienced when using eFiling.&nb sp; Short course content (self-paced)  Module 3 Organisation Tab Competencies developed in this short course (self-paced) Adding a taxpayer Adding taxes Requesting Taxes Assigning Taxpayers to groups Banking Details

0.5 Hour | R49.00
Anton Krynauw

Effectively processing returns in the eFiling return tab.

Overview SARS eFiling is critical to run a successful and efficient tax practice. Considering that SARS regularly introduces enhancements to eFiling, this course focuses on the latest developments and issues experienced when using eFiling.&nb sp; Short course content (self-paced)  Module 4 Returns Tab Competencies developed in this short course (self-paced) SARS Correspondence Returns Issued Returns History Payments Disputes

0.5 Hour | R49.00
Anton Krynauw

Customs Duties & Levies and Service Tab

Overview SARS eFiling is critical to run a successful and efficient tax practice. Considering that SARS regularly introduces enhancements to eFiling, this course focuses on the latest developments and issues experienced when using eFiling.&nb sp; Short course content (self-paced)  Module 5 Customs Duties & Levies and Service Tab Competencies developed in this short course (self-paced) Customs Registration Duties and Levies Other Services Transfer Duty eSTT and eStamps

0.5 Hour | R49.00
Anton Krynauw

Tracking and monitoring efiling status

Overview SARS eFiling is critical to run a successful and efficient tax practice. Considering that SARS regularly introduces enhancements to eFiling, this course focuses on the latest developments and issues experienced when using eFiling.&nb sp; Short course content (self-paced)  Module 5 Customs Duties & Levies and Service Tab Competencies developed in this short course (self-paced) Tax Compliance Status Tax Compliance Verification Overview of Modules

0.5 Hour | R49.00
Anton Krynauw

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