3. Debt restructuring and corporate reorganisations - part 3

Duration: 2 Hours

Price: R475.00

Video Type: Single


3. Debt restructuring and corporate reorganisations - part 3

Duration: 2 hours

Price: R475.00

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3. Debt restructuring and corporate reorganisations - part 3

This webinar on demand is part of a series of webinars. Click here to read more

Corporate Reorganisations

In the video on corporate reorganisations, the presenters will continue to explore the types of transactions that can qualify for tax rollover relief:

  • The amalgamation or merger of companies, implemented as a sale of business or in terms of the statutory merger provisions of the Companies Act (“amalgamation transactions”).
  • The distribution of underlying share investments (“unbundling transactions”).
  • The distribution of all assets in anticipation of liquidation/deregistration (“liquidation distribution”).

Against the backdrop of the various types of transactions, the team from Bowmans will provide a bird’s eye view of the provisions to identify common threads that may result in some provisions being more preferable than others depending on the circumstances.

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