In the September update, we will bring you the latest tax news, highlighting:
Removal of the IT14SD: What does this mean?
Interpretation Note 75 (Issue 4): Exclusion of certain companies and shares from the definition of “Group of Companies” as defined in s 41(1).
New SARS guide on the payment of VAT on imported goods.
Taxpayer A v CSARS (Bloemfontein Tax Court, August 22): Whether raising fees, debt origination fees and structuring fees are deductible as finance charges under s24J.
BCR080 (12 August 22): Tax implications for resident beneficiaries of a foreign pension trust.
The Monthly SARS and Tax Update recoriding unpacks the latest developments, taking a practical approach to help you understand how these changes and developments may affect you and your clients and keeping you on the cutting edge of tax law and practice in South Africa.
After attending this recording you will be:
Updated with important and current changes in tax legislation and SARS practice
Competent to apply the key aspects of new SARS documents published (i.e. binding rulings, interpretation notes, SARS guides/notices, etc.)
Competent to advise clients about the impact of the latest tax amendments on their tax compliance and planning opportunities.
Able to train your staff to prepare SARS compliant tax returns considering the latest amendments and SARS practice.
Informed about topics to include in a client communique to alert you clients about recent developments impacting their tax compliance and planning opportunities.
Competent to revise the tax planning strategy of clients.