Forex and Interest: A focus on Section 24I and 24J
Duration: 2 hours
Price: R195.00
Join Carmen Westermeyer as she navigates the intricate landscape of income tax treatment for foreign exchange gains and losses. We’ll take a practical look at the impact of having interest charged in a foreign currency, important in a world where remote work and emigration have become burning issues for your clients.
Section 24I of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 governs the income tax treatment of foreign exchange gains and losses on exchange items as well as premiums or like consideration received or paid in respect of forward exchanges contacts (FEC), and forward currency option contracts (FCOC).
Section 24J of the Act allows taxpayers to claim a deduction specifically for interest expenditure.
2020 Webinar: Offshore tax planning options for a SA tax resident - Webinar 1