Employee related expenses s11(l), s11(lA), s(8B), s11(m) & s11(w)

Duration: 0.5 Hour

Price: R49.00

Video Type: Single

Employee related expenses s11(l), s11(lA), s(8B), s11(m) & s11(w)

Employee related expenses s11(l), s11(lA), s(8B), s11(m) & s11(w)

Duration: 0.5 hour

Price: R49.00

Title / Topic

Employee related expenses s11(l), s11(lA), s(8B), s11(m) & s11(w)

After studying this topic related to employee-related expenses, you should be able to:
✓ Understand that, in addition to deductions which are allowed in terms of the general deduction formula, there are certain special deductions that are specifically allowed in terms of provisions contained elsewhere in section 11 of the Income Tax Act;
✓ Understand what is meant by “employer contributions to pension, provident or retirement annuity funds”;
✓ Determine the deduction that is available to an employer for these contributions;
✓ Understand what broad-based employee share plans are;
✓ Understand the difference between section 8B, section 8C and section 11(lA);
✓ Understand the tax consequences of employee share plans from the employer’s perspective;
✓ Be able to calculate the value of the deduction available to the employer in terms of a broad-based employee share plan;
✓ Understand what is meant by “annuities paid to former employees”;
✓ Determine the deduction that can be claimed by an employer that pays an annuity in terms of section 11(m);
✓ Understand what is meant by “employer-owned insurance premiums”;
✓ Understand when an employer can claim a section 11(w) deduction for life insurance premiums;
✓ Interpret financial statements with reference to the accounting policies and notes to the financial statements to determine the accounting treatment of employer contributions to pension, provident or retirement annuity funds, broad-based employee share plans, annuities paid to former employees and life insurance premiums;
✓ Determine whether it is necessary to make adjustments on the ITR14 for the above expenses.
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