eFiling Discussion Forum: Troubleshooting & Enhancing Your eFiling Skills - March 2024

Duration: 2 Hours

Price: R195.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Anton Krynauw



eFiling Discussion Forum: Troubleshooting & Enhancing Your eFiling Skills - March 2024

Duration: 2 hours

Price: R195.00

Title / Topic

eFiling Discussion Forum: Troubleshooting & Enhancing Your eFiling Skills - March 2024

Presenters : Anton Krynauw


Are you keeping up to date with what’s new on eFiling? In this edition of the bi-monthly video, Anton focuses on the latest developments and modernised services available to tax professionals. By guiding the attendees practically, Anton explores services that can be found on your eFiling profile such as the functions and usage of the “user” menu, what resources are accessible under the “organisations” and “returns” tabs, and other interesting functions such as “services” and “tax status”. Most importantly, Anton takes queries from the audience to provide insights and possible troubleshooting ideas.

Video Content

  • What's new on eFiling.
  • What services are available under "My Profile".
  • The functions and usage of the "User" tab.
  • How to use the "Organisation" tab.
  • Exploring the "Returns" tab.
    • Understanding other available resources on your profile such as:
  • Customs
  • Duties and Levies
  • Services
  • Tax Status

Competencies developed in this video

After watching this video you will be:

  • Updated with current enhancements to eFiling.
  • Able to avoid common pitfalls and issues when using eFiling.
  • Fit to resolve your current issues in navigating eFiling.
  • In the position to train your staff on what's new on eFiling.
  • Prepared to inform clients about the current use and status of eFiling.

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