eFiling Discussion Forum: Resolving Tax Practitioner Issues - January 2023

Duration: 1.5 Hours

Price: R195.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Anton Krynauw

Individuals Tax

Individuals Tax

eFiling Discussion Forum: Resolving Tax Practitioner Issues - January 2023

Duration: 1.5 hours

Price: R195.00

Title / Topic

eFiling Discussion Forum: Resolving Tax Practitioner Issues - January 2023

Presenters : Anton Krynauw


SARS eFiling is critical to run a successful and efficient tax practice. Considering that SARS regularly introduces enhancements to eFiling, this practical bi-monthly video focuses on the latest developments and issues experienced by practitioners when using eFiling. In addition, the most common pitfalls and issues experienced by practitioners are also be addressed.

The eFiling issues currently experienced in practice are discussed and practitioners are provided with solutions.

Video content

In this video, we will discuss and illustrate the following eFiling functionality:

  • What's new on eFiling.
  • What can I do under "My Profile"?
  • The functions and usage of the "User" tab.
  • How to use the "Organisation" tab.
  • "Returns" tab.

The video will conclude with a Q&A session where the eFiling issues currently experienced in practice.

Competencies developed in this video

  • Updated with current enhancements to eFiling.
  • Able to avoid common pitfalls and issues when using eFiling.
  • Resolve your current issues in navigating eFiling.
  • Able to train your staff on what's new on eFiling.
  • Inform clients about the current use and status of eFiling.

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