eFiling: Auto Assessments and Third - Party Data
Duration: 2 hours
Price: R195.00
This video focuses on current issues experienced by tax practitioners surrounding the individual filing season that opens from the 1st to the 14th of July for auto assessments and then on the 15th of July for non-auto assessments.
Anton shows participants how to deal with auto assessments and third-party documentation. The webinar is interactive, integrates feedback and questions from participants in real-time, and provides helpful troubleshooting solutions.
After watching this video, viewers are:
Updated with current enhancements to eFiling.
Able to avoid common pitfalls and issues when using eFiling.
Fit to resolve current issues in navigating eFiling.
In the position to train their staff on what is new on eFiling.
Prepared to inform clients about the current use and status of eFiling.
eFiling Discussion Forum: Troubleshooting & Enhancing Your eFiling Skills - September 2024
eFiling Discussion Forum: Troubleshooting & Enhancing Your eFiling Skills - November 2024