Drafting a Compelling Motivation for the Remission and Reduction of Tax Penalties
Duration: 2 hours
Price: R195.00
Taxpayers issued with penalty assessments face significant challenges in formulating compelling grounds of dispute or remittance. There are several types of penalties that may be imposed by SARS, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to address them. Understatement penalties may be imposed for categories ranging from substantial understatement, no reasonable grounds for the tax position taken, gross negligence, and even intentional tax evasion.
This video provides an overview of the challenges around tax penalties imposed by SARS and assists in formulating compelling arguments, with reference to relevant case law and real-life examples, making it a highly practical session.
Different types of penalties imposed by SARS, such as:
Understatement penalties and
Under-estimation penalties
Requirements for the imposition of each type
Compelling grounds of dispute or remittance, including:
Onus and other challenges
Case law in point
Real-life examples
Understanding different types of penalties imposed by SARS
Dealing with penalty challenges, including those related to onus provisions
Formulating compelling grounds of objection or a remittance request to address penalties
Taxpayers’ Rights Matter: Understanding the Dispute Resolution Process with the OTO - March 2022