Section 23C: The interaction between deductions and VAT

Duration: 0.5 Hour

Price: R49.00

Video Type: Single


Section 23C: The interaction between deductions and VAT

Duration: 0.5 hour

Price: R49.00

Title / Topic

Section 23C: The interaction between deductions and VAT

After studying this topic related to non-deductible amounts debited to the Income Statement, you should be able to:
✓ Understand what is meant by “non-deductible amounts debited to the Income Statement”;
✓ Name the report contained in the Financial Statements used to complete the “Income Statement” section on the ITR14 tax return;
✓ Understand what is meant by “prohibited deductions” and why section 23 overrides other tax provisions;
✓ Select the correct adjustment fields on the ITR14 Tax Computation under which non-deductible amounts reflected in the Income Statement (Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income) must be completed.
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