Customs - Imports and Exports Controls

Duration: 1 Hour

Price: R99.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Sipho Mhaga

Customs and Excise

Customs and Excise

Customs - Imports and Exports Controls

Duration: 1 hour

Price: R99.00

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Title / Topic

Customs - Imports and Exports Controls

Presenters : Sipho Mhaga

This webinar on demand is part of a series of webinars. Click here to read more


Do you provide services to exporters and/or importers embarking on an import and export drive for the first time?

Much like restricted party lists are utilised to mitigate risks in your organisation by controlling interactions with specific individuals or companies, export and import controls serve the purpose of regulating the movement of products and technologies worldwide.

Export controls are country-specific and are typically implemented with considerations for national security and foreign policy. For instance, items like implements of torture or dual-use goods such as munitions are generally restricted for export to any country. Meanwhile, certain exports, for example encryption items, may only be controlled for specific entities such as terrorist regimes and globally embargoed nations.

An effective import and export control program is a crucial aspect of trade compliance, and it can be fairly straightforward for a company to implement. The first step is to establish one. Commodities intended for cross-border transactions must undergo a thorough review, with any import and export control requirements duly noted and implemented.

This video enables companies and individuals involved in importing goods to adhere to statutory and regulatory guidance provided by agencies, thereby reducing the cost of compliance and facilitating international trade. Taking advantage of available rebates is also recommended.

Video Content:

  • What are export and import controls?
  • Regulations, licenses, and agencies.
  • Essentials of an effective export control system.
  • Knowing the laws and your obligations.
  • Additional notes to consider on clearance.

Competencies developed in this video

  • Understand that not all products can be imported/exported freely.
  • Understand the influence of government agency policies on trade dynamics and local industries.
  • Able to navigate the applicable legislation.
  • Uncover the processes to follow and comply with legislation.
  • Understand the procedure for efficient customs clearance.
  • Assist your company in identifying areas of possible non-compliance requiring a health check/review.

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