Budget and Tax Update (2022)

Duration: 4 Hours

Price: R595.00

Video Type: Single

Presenter: Diane Seccombe

Tax Update

Tax Update

Budget and Tax Update (2022)

Duration: 4 hours

Price: R595.00

Title / Topic

Budget and Tax Update (2022)

Presenters : Diane Seccombe


The 2022 Annual Budget and Tax Update unpacked the tax proposals announced in the Budget Speech to enable attendees to understand the full impact of these changes. In the workshop, Diane Seccombe explained the proposals in a practical and comprehensible manner so that attendees could understand the proposals and their impact on business and personal finances.

Course content

  • Tax rates, including:
    • Changes in normal tax rates and rebates, including the medical rebates.
  • VAT and property developers.
  • Payroll and employees’ tax changes.
  • Fringe benefit amendments.
  • Debt waiver provisions.
  • Corporate tax amendments.
  • Limitations on deduction of interest.
  • Limitations on the carry-forward of assessed losses.
  • Corporate restructuring.
  • Controlled foreign companies.
  • Tax administration amendments.
  • Recent selected court judgments and new SARS rulings and interpretations.

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