VAT adjustments related to bad debts

Duration: 0.5 Hour

Price: R49.00

Video Type: Single

Bad debts

VAT adjustments related to bad debts

Duration: 0.5 hour

Price: R49.00

Title / Topic

VAT adjustments related to bad debts

After studying the topic related to VAT adjustments with regard to bad debts, you should be able to:
✓ Understand the VAT consequences that will arise on the write-off of bad debt;
✓ Understand the VAT consequences that will arise on the subsequent recovery of the bad debt write-off;
✓ Identify at what rate should the abovementioned VAT consequences be accounted for;
✓ Calculate the VAT adjustment related to the bad debt written off or recovered;
✓ Understand the VAT consequences that will arise on the provision for doubtful debt;
Declare bad debt adjustments on the VAT201 return.
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