Dealing with interest-free loansOverviewSection 7C has been around for some time but there are some significant changes to take note of. Loans to companies may now also be subject to section 7C. Does section 7C now preclude the use of loan funding? Debt write off, debt substitution and debt conversion to equity appears are all now taboo, or so it appears to be. The purpose of this course is to provide guidance on the section 7C application, and the various compliance and planning issues faced by tax practitioners. Course Content
PresenterHugo Van Zyl Hugo van Zyl is a chartered accountant and master tax practitioner, passionately committed to clients facing tax challenges. He is keen to assist either the resident or migrated taxpayer, his trusted accountant, auditor, his tax lawyer or the trustee of the family office or trust. Since qualifying and joining SAICA as CA(SA), some 30 odd years ago, Hugo joined SAIT as Master Tax Practitioners and STEP as Trust and Estate Practitioner. Since 1994 his focus has been on migrant taxpayers, be it the returning exiles, those departing for Perth, London, New York, Tel Aviv or Buenos Aires and Los Angeles. He is therefore closely involved in #Tax2020 facing Expats and succession and estate planning for diasporic families |
CPDThis webinar and successful completion of the online assessment will secure 2 hours verifiable output TAXCPD points/units.Event InvestmentFree for Tax Technician Subscribers on the 2019 CPD subscribers. (Not yet a subscriber? Please click here for more information). Non-member: R475 Company Price: R950 Please note the company price applies whenever more than one person will be watching a webinar concurrently from one connection, e.g. if a group is watching the webinar together in a boardroom. |
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