Professional Certificate in Advanced Taxation

Start date: Jun 27, 2025 - Jun 24, 2026

Payment options per semester:

Payment option 1: Once-off payment:

Full course fee: R26 950

First semester fee: R13 475.00

Payment option 2: Debit order

Application fee: R450.00

First payment upon approval: R5 000.00

Monthly fee: R1 850.00 per month, five instalments per semester

Lecturer: Illana Kretzchmar
CA(SA) CTA MCom Taxation

Tax professionals who stand out amongst their peers are able to advise clients on complex corporate and personal tax affairs. This certificate will give you the skills to analyse tax risk, provide tax advice and develop the practical skill required for controversy management.

Please see full course payment breakdown below.

Course overview

Tax professionals who stand out amongst their peers are able to advise clients on complex corporate and personal tax affairs. This certificate will give you the skills to analyse tax risk, provide tax advice and develop the practical skill required for controversy management.

During the programme, you will develop knowledge and practical application related to corporate, personal, VAT and payroll taxation as it applies to the South African context.

Expand your network with The Tax Faculty as you learn alongside a cohort of like-minded individuals and gain essential skills for the future world of work. By successfully completing this course, you will advance your career.

Mode of delivery

Online learning with flexible weekly study plans.

Effort and duration

Duration: 12 months.

Weekly effort: Six to eight hours a week.

What you will learn in this course

The syllabus for this SLP has been specifically arranged in a logical order rather than a mere numerical or random approach. It consists of two parts:

Semester 1: Individual Income Tax and Payroll Tax

  • World of tax (tax fundamentals).
  • Income.
  • Deductions.
  • Salaried employees.
  • Practical payroll.
  • Retirement fund savings.
  • Capital gains tax (CGT).
  • Prepaid taxes.
  • Estate duty and donations tax.
  • Trusts.

Semester 2: Corporate Tax and VAT

  • World of tax (related to corporate tax).
  • Value-added tax (VAT).
  • Tax administration.
  • Income (related to corporate tax).
  • Deductions (related to corporate tax).
  • Capital allowances.
  • Dividend's tax.
  • Prepaid taxes.

This course is for you if:

  • You want to gain the required practical and advanced technical skills to complete tax returns and to manage controversy across all tax types.
  • You want an advanced tax refresher course that will enable you to prepare for professional body tax practitioner entry exams [such as SAIBA and the South African Institute of Taxation (SAIT)*].
  • You want a short learning programme (SLP) certificate in taxation that will earn you the recognition that you deserve with either your employer or with your client.
*This programme is accredited by SAIBA for entry into BA(SA) designation and/or BAP(SA). If you have a BCom degree but lacking tax as a core subject, and have four years work experience, this course will be sufficient to apply to register as a BAP(SA) with SAIBA, pending other membership criteria. Thereafter you can apply for their tax practitioner license to obtain a SARS PR number.


A course participant who successfully completes this programme will be able to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and skills in the following outcomes:

  • Demonstrate the ability to gather and use information from a range of sources and communicate information reliably, accurately, and coherently, using conventions and computerised tools appropriate to the business context of the professional tax practitioner.
  • Have an informed understanding of the legal framework and context applicable in South Africa and its impact on taxpayers and tax practitioners, as well the legal and ethical requirements relevant to the tax profession. 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the core areas of VAT, personal income tax and corporate income tax. Further understanding of the key terms, concepts, facts, general principles, rules, and theories of the tax profession.
  • Able to compute, complete and review advanced tax returns related to VAT, personal income tax and corporate tax within the prescribed regulations, based on relevant evidence and accounting records. 
  • Formulate a response to resolve a SARS dispute based on a case study scenario and draft a proper objection. 

Minimum admission requirements

Applicants must have:

  • A national diploma or equivalent NQF 6 qualification in the field of accounting and tax. 
  • Alternatively, an NQF 7 BCom/LLB or legacy BTech degrees that have accounting as a core subject. 
  • Students must have digital literacy and access to laptops and Wi-Fi.
  • English communication skills.


This course is presented as a SLP by The Tax Faculty (TTF). This programme is accredited by SAIBA for entry into BA(SA) designation and/or BAP(SA). If you have a BCom degree but lacking tax as a core subject, and have four years work experience, this course will be sufficient to apply to register as a BAP(SA) with SAIBA, pending other membership criteria. Thereafter you can apply for their tax practitioner license to obtain a SARS PR number.

TTF is recognised as a continuous professional development (CPD) provider by controlling bodies accredited in terms of the Tax Administration Act, 2011 (Act No 28 of 2011), and holds accreditation with the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations as a skills development partner (SDP) under the Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No 97 of 1998).

Assessment and award of certificate

Learners are assessed via a number of practical assignments and a final integrated assessment. Successful learners will receive a SLP certificate of competence issued by The Tax Faculty.

Student support and online campus

The academic and practical skills component of the qualification is delivered on The Tax Faculty's online Tax Campus.

This will be your virtual campus for the duration of the programme. The course is presented as micro-learning videos, study guides, practice quizzes, discussion forums, practical case studies, assignment briefs and guided presentations on how to master case studies and assignments. Academic lecturers are available on the Q&A portal as they would be in a classroom.

At the beginning of each semester, you'll be presented with the course content plan, a study plan and important assignment dates which are set out at manageable deadlines. This will help you study at your own pace.

In addition, you will be allocated a course consultant who will help you navigate the online campus, support you with your weekly participation and deadlines, and will be able to answer any administrative queries you may have.

Flexible payment options:

Payment option 1: Once-off payment 

Full once-off payment: R24 950.00.

Alternatively, two semester payments: R12 475.00 per semester (to be paid on or before semester start date).

Application fee (non-refundable, immediate payment upon registration): R450.00. This amount is included in the once-off total and will not be charged additionally.

Payment option 2: Debit order

Once-off application fee (non-refundable, immediate payment upon registration): R450.00.

  • Start of first semester (to be paid before or on semester start date): R5 000.00. First semester remaining debit orders, five instalments: R1 750.00 per month.
  • Start of second semester (to be paid before or on semester start date): R5 000.00. Second semester remaining debit orders, five instalments: R1 750.00 per month.
  • Please note semester invoicing will be processed every six (6) months.

Total for debit order option: R27 950.00.

* First debit order will be collected from the second month of semester start date. Remaining debit orders will be collected on the first working day of each month.

Payments and cancellations

  • All required minimum payments must be made by direct EFT or by credit card before the commencement of a course. The once-off payment is required to be paid before the course start date, as well as the application fee of learners on a debit order plan (the first debit order is also required on the start date of the course).
  • Kindly note that should debit order payment terms not be adhered to; legal action will be taken and access to the online learning platform suspended.
  • Proof of payment may also be requested before access to the online platform will be communicated, should your payment not reflect on The Tax Faculty’s bank account.
  • Only written notice of cancellation will be accepted.
  • To view our full terms & conditions click here.


For courses with a 12-month or longer rollout, the following will apply:

  • If the cancellation is requested more than two weeks prior to the course start date, no cancellation fee will be applicable.
  • If the cancellation occurs less than two weeks prior to the course start date, a 25% cancellation fee will be applicable on the full course fee.
  • Should a cancellation be received within six weeks after the course start date, the student will still be liable for 50% of the full course fee.
  • Should the cancellation be received after six weeks of the course start date, the student will be liable for the full course fee.
  • Students who register for a course and fail to attend will be held liable for the full course fee.
  • The course application fee is non-refundable.
  • Repeat fees for failed semesters will apply.

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